Sunday, June 17, 2012

Blog Post #5

The School Initiative

I must give props to this student for really knowing what he is talking about when dealing with technology and for doing his homework on the subject that he is powerpointing. I think all of these apps in the ischool would greatly increase the learning process and create a very easy setting for the students and teachers to learn. However, I can not buy into his argument. He is wanting to put all our students learning and teaching abilities/powers into the hands of technology. It's right here when you need it, technology makes it easier, you don't have to go out of the way. These are all true about the ischool, but humans as a race are already lazy and don't do anything for themselves. Pretty soon instead of people taking actual trips to the Bahama's they will see that it is just as entertaining to tour it digitally on the computer. People are loosing interest in the world around them and are becoming more and more focused on technology. I would definitely prefer my students to look up a term in the dictionary rather than on a phone, that is how I learned so I would argue they need to do the same. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way kids have been learning throughout the years so why try to take away from the actual nature of learning and give it too computers.
I wish I could agree with Travis, but I think the only problems in the "schools" start with the household and the parents of the kids, or it is the fault of teachers that are not dedicated to their jobs. If parents would do a better job raising their kids, teachers did a better job at wanting to teach, then there would be no problems. I don't think that these instruments will help the problem. I am still not giving up on the whole integrating technology into the classroom idea, I just do not know which one of these blogposts are going to help change my mind.

The Beautiful Voices
I am so very glad Dr. Strange pointed out that I missed part of the assignment. I remember this video from last year and I am very excited I got to watch it again. I have been doing my classwork for the past hour and have had this on replay the whole time. This is another amazing talent that Eric Whitacre's
has done with the use of the technology. I love how he was able to bring voices from across the world and put them into a brilliant symphony. Thank you Eric Whiteacre's.

How we should teach?

This video said a lot and I enjoyed the star wars themed music in the background. Kevin Roberts, in my opinion believes that teachers need to be the "filter" for the information that our students are gaining. "Teachers are no longer the main source of information" Kevin says in his video, and I would have to argue that teachers have not been the main source of information really ever. Now this is not to say that I don't very much respect, appreciate, and admire my teachers throughout the years, however for the information Kevin talks about in his videos I would think that kids learn these "skills" throughout life through parents, friends, and experiences. I agree with Kevin when says we must help the students learn skills and I believe his resources such as facebook, ipods, laptops, and blogs are a key to developing the skill needed to survive in the world. As a teacher I will make sure that I provide my students with the skill to live a good life in this world, if they choose too listen. Thanks to Kevin Roberts for the video.

Flip the Classroom 
Flip the Classroom Dr. Lodge Version 

I have to say that I think this is a pretty great idea. I believe giving the students opportunities to learn the lessons outside the classroom is a very productive idea. When Katie says that she is only teaching the middle section of her class she is absolutely correct. I remember going the class and just looking at all the kids and what they were doing in class. Some would sleeping,  looking out the window, I  even remember playing cards and winning money in my ninth grade English class. (I was  part of the students who already knew the stuff ;). But with these ideas student could choose their own pace, within reason. Also, the teacher could focus on what the students are struggling on most or really want to learn. I really don't have an argument with this project/process. Thank you Katie and Dr. Lodge for your videos.


  1. "I can not buy into his argument. He is wanting to put all our students learning and teaching abilities/powers into the hands of technology." If you had heard him speak Monday I think you would have a different opinion of what he is actually trying to accomplish. We will have the videos from Monday soon.

    "I would definitely prefer my students to look up a term in the dictionary rather than on a phone, that is how I learned so I would argue they need to do the same. " I am astounded by this statement. Do you say the same thing about walking instead of driving. And what about the advances in surfboards? Are you opposed to them?

    "... it too computers" to not too

    What about the other 3 parts to this assignment.

    Incomplete. Unsatisfactory.

  2. I did not see the rest of the assignment, however I will do it now even if I do not get credit. My apologies. And absolutely, walk and talk we don't need to drive to survive. :).

  3. I also work on Mondays or else I definitely would have tried to be there. I am sure it was a quality talk.

  4. I believe that some of the tradtional methods to learning can still be used with modern technology. You're entitled to your own opinion, but what about your students? Wouldn't they be left behind? Times are changing, and in order to be able to keep up with them as a teacher, you wouldn't want them be on the same learning level as you were when you attended school in 2000. Just like the videos we have watched during this course, they often stress how we as teachers should be preparing our students for jobs that aren't even created yet. Believe it or not, I was shocked to find out that even though newspaper sales are decreasing, more jobs are being created due to the conversion from a physcial copy into a digital one.

  5. Although I find your post interesting, I have to disagree with you on some things. Like Shaniqua said, you are very much entitled to your opinion, however, I believe that iSchool is brilliant. It is coming, you should probably get used to it. Yes, when we were in school it was purely dictionaries, paper, and number 2 pencils. Think about how much time was spent on tedious tasks such as taking notes, looking up words you don't know, etc. iSchool makes all of that so much easier. That is not to be mistaken with "laziness of the human race," but when simple things like that are improved just think of the possibilities still out there. I only see positive ways for technology to help schools.

    As for the virtual choir, I totally agree with you. What an amazing thing this man did. This is an example of what can be done through the use of technology, now apply that to school and you've got a deal. Oddly enough though, you are a fan of flipping the classroom. I plan on doing this to my classroom if given the opportunity. TECHNOLOGY AT ITS FINEST. And you say you're not on board with it, I think iSchool just takes some getting used to.
    Now back to flipping the classroom. Great idea, and this is the first I have heard of it. It would be awesome to be able to engage every single student when do a lesson, and this makes it possible.

    I enjoyed your post. Keep up the good work and good luck!
